Shipping Software Design
My process
Double diamond & Technical constraints

Research into business users to understand when using new software what would help them change their minds on implementing new software. How might we make the process easier for applying shipping costs and packaging costs to the end product?
Firstly we started with a survey to help understand the common pain points experienced by the business owners when changing software. Some common themes we noticed early on: Many users don’t like having to change software.
Second, We did interviews with business owners, covering topics on shipping and packaging. We soon realized that companies online don’t have up-to-date shipping prices.
Our user research uncovered clear pain points that needed to be addressed. First, we decided it would benefit all business owners to design the product as an API integration.
Having live up-to-date shipping prices and away to auto-generate invoices.

Many users don’t like having to change software because the whole workforce has to learn the new software, which can cause a problem, and slow down production. Having a API integration would sove that problem.
Having live up-to-date shipping prices and away to auto-generate invoices would take a lot of stress off business owners as normally business owners would have to do these two jobs separately.
shipwise set up personal accounts with some of the biggest shipping companies in America, by doing that, it gave them better discounts on shipping that other companies don’t offer. After the shipping weight goes above 50KG, then it will go to bidding on the shipwise website, which will let independent shipping companies bid on that job.
While sketching key screens for creating user flows, I drew inspiration from similar companion that most directly addressed user wants and needs uncovered in our user research.

I created prototypes to perform usability testing of each user flow and validate our designs. The set of user tasks was comprehensive in addition to finding a report, checking api keys are working, and Checking orders.

We could only qualitatively assess how well our design accomplished the goals defined in the project brief. We performed usability testing to find out if companies could find a report, checked API keys, and Checked orders. The only problem we faced was checking the API key. We addressed that by adding a light next to the API key. When the light is red it would mean it’s not working, and green would be working. Overall, The features that were designed, were described as helpful, and effective.