Investigate conversion rates
About the job
I was contacted by a New York-based media agency to investigate and amplify their conversion rates. The company was getting a decent amount of traffic to their website, but not converting enough of their visitors into sales or clients. I was hired to analyze the user design and experience and make any appropriate adjustments that would cater to a smooth client conversion.

About The Product
The company designs websites for its customers in the multimedia sector.
Main Problem
User Research: Pain Points
- When visitors click on one of the portfolio images featured on the website, the customer gets redirected to the website that it corresponds to.
- However, once the visitor is on the new website, they have no way to link back to the multimedia company’s website.
- The portfolio fails to clearly show visitors how the company solves their client’s problem.
My Final Thoughts
One of the most important concepts for successful conversion rates is to never let the visitor leave your site. In this case, when the website sends the visitor to their client’s website, they click on their client’s logo and are sent to their homepage. At this point, their potential customer is now left without any way to return to the source page (the multimedia company), making it impossible to make a conversion.
By sending visitors off to their clients’ sites without showing them how they solved their clients’ problems, they are not offering any value to their visitors. To make conversions, the website must show its visitors precisely how it solved its clients’ problems, with a direct link back to the company page.

This creates a connection to the visitor’s pain points and builds trust in the company. They are then more likely to believe that they might be able to solve their problems, too.